Monday, January 11, 2010

It could be magic

Sora no Otoshimono - this is about a happy-go-lucky guy who only wants peace and quite in his life and maybe a few ecchi videos to watch. An Angeloid falls down from the sky and makes his life far less that peaceful...

This is the epitomy of ecchi comedy. From magic cards that grant wishes to flying pantsu (even exploding ones!) this had me laughing my ass off on many occasions! This anime does justice to the genre (is there even an ecchi comedy genre!?) with a unique flare.

There is a serious side to the story as well. The place where the Angeloids come from is run by beings that are evil and ruthless. They want their wayward Angeloids destroyed.

Pros: the chara are done well and there are some very good fight scenes as well as the great comedy.

Cons: there are annoying intros by the superbrain character. The Angeloid Nymph seems to be the only chara that we get decent background information on.

SnO gets an 8.0 on the Z-scale...

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