Saturday, May 10, 2008


I want to post something but since I spend quite a lot of my free time watching anime, I might as well post what I've been up to...

Recently I watched eps 23 - 30 of Armored Trooper Votoms. It's about a natural born soldier who is infatuated by a vision of a beautiful geneticly engineered PS (Perfect Soldier). The series revoles around his search for her and the mechanations and politics behind his universe. Chirico Cuvie is the man.

I finally found the last of and finished They Are My Noble Masters or Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsugi ga Ore de (Kimiaru). It's about a brother and sister who run away from an abusive father and wind up serving a wealthy family with some very comedic members! I loved it and recommend it for it's awesome comedy...

From the new season I watched the first three eps (that's a rule of mine; I can usually find out if somethings worth watching if the first three eps grab my attention, then the next set of three will clinch it for me :D) of Kyoran Kazoku Nikki. Wow, this is one hyper goddess of a cat-girl! Add a bunch of the most misfit children(?) available and a government employee forced husband to play Daddy and you have one of those outragious comedies that still manages to have a moral thrown in each ep for good measure. I'll be watching this one...

On the docket for the evening...the last four episodes of Basilisk!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Whoa! I missed my monthly post for April!! Seriously, I wish I could get my act together and post here more often. It seems like there is just too much internet for me to handle!
The least I can do is 1) update my lists to the right (yeah, right over there!), 2) update my images (also to the right) and 3) leave you with a pic (above) of one of my favorite things...SHIMAPAAAAAAN!!!