Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New series post 1

I'm going to attempt (like a whole lotta other anime blogs >_<) to write a quick blurb on which anime i happen to watch when I can here on this wayward blog.

First up is a new series for winter 2008, PERSONA ~ trinity soul ~

The first episode was pretty well done. I was a little confused as to the chara relationships at first (and who was the girl in the beginning!?!), but that worked out by the end (except the girl!). I’m concerned by voice(s) I heard of other chara, but I don’t want to spoil any future plot devices. This show is a different twist on the mecha formula, where instead of mobile suits you get into and fight with, these are mobile suits that come out of you!

The style and music were pretty good, although I didn’t like the OP and some rap was used as BMG, but it did have decent accompaniment.

I’m looking forward to more of this anime.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Two posts and an update..

Two posts follow this one for today. I also updated my Top Ten Titles I'm Watching! list and my Current Desktop Image.

Thanks for dropping by...

Otaku-dom 101 post 13

I now can say that I am a sucker for anything Japanese! I have been following releases of a web comic 4koma called Habanero-tan who is a mascot for a rather spicy snack chippy ring thingy. The whole thing is super-cute and sometimes a bit risque. Here's the latest sequence of translated 4koma:

That powdered red pepper stuff that she accidentally dumped on her udon is shichimi. It consists of red pepper, roasted orange peel, yellow sesame seed, black sesame seed, Japanese pepper, seaweed, and ginger.
I just had to have some! Lucky for me, we have several asian markets around here and I happened upon it at one. So now I have shichimi on my Cup Noodles whenever I enjoy that wonderful soup. I always make sure the cap is on tight thought...
Original images can be found here (in Japanese) with translations available from the good folks at iitran translation Group.
Did I mention I also put Worcestershire sauce in my Cup Noodles?

Otaku-dom 101

I want to continue an old topic I had in my previous blog, “Otaku-dom 101”. So you can see what I’m talking about (and get the whole thing), I’m linking all the older ones below. You may have to resize your browser window to read them. The edges are black and the black text bleeds out in them. I’ll continue in the next post…

Otaku-dom 101 post 01

Otaku-dom 101 post 02

Otaku-dom 101 post 03

Otaku-dom 101 post 04

Otaku-dom 101 post 05

Otaku-dom 101 post 06

Otaku-dom 101 post 07

Otaku-dom 101 post 08

Otaku-dom 101 post 09

Otaku-dom 101 post 10

Otaku-dom 101 post 11

Otaku-dom 101 post 12

That's it...