Saturday, December 26, 2009

Anime Rating System...

OK, I mentioned the anime rating system I use which was developed by a friend and revised by me to include equivilent Anime News Network ratings. Here is is...

Z-scale for rating anime

I will here place the numbers and reasoning from Z for Z’s rating scale (the Z-scale!) and where the ANN ratings correspond (in bold; note: ANN ratings fall between the corresponding number range). Note that it goes from 0-10 vice 1-10 so that 5 will be the absolute average.

0 – Obviously an absolutely terrible abortion of an anime.
1 - Horrible anime in almost every way.
2 – Just plain bad. Boring, horrible story, ugly animation.
3 – Bad. An anime you would wish to skip.
4 – Disliked. Not all that bad, but it had more things to dislike about it than it had things to like.
5 – Neutral; didn’t like or dislike it.
6 – Not bad. More things found to be enjoyable than not.
7 – Good anime. Interesting during most of the anime and you are happy that you watched it.
8 – A pretty good anime. It was enjoyable in pretty much every way.
9 – Great anime. It kept you excited the entire time, and you loved it.
10 – Absolutely amazing and pretty much flawless. It was enjoyable in every way possible.

Credits obviously go to Z. I will hotlink this scale to the side panel for when it drops off the front page here.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'll start something new (well it's not really new because I tried this before) by doing short reviews of anime that I've finished watching. I'll probably post an explaination of the rating system I use in a later post...

So the first one I will do is Kampher - this anime was basically a no holds barred fanservice joyride. A guy wakes up to find a strange talking stuffed animal with it's intestines hanging out in his room and the fact that he has changed into a girl! The animal explains that he has been chosen to be a Kampher; a warrior who has to fight other Kamphers. Unfortunately for him, Kamphers can only be female. The majority of the anime is basically harem stuff and battles while the girls try to fathom the true purpose of Kamphers. The last episode was an extra semi-Christmas special where the dolls switch places with the girls and learn what it's like to be alive.

Pros: The story was really pretty interesting and the fanservice wasn't the in-your-face type like you find in shows like Queen's Blade.

Cons: The last few episodes were just lame and the story didn't end well. The extra ep was just so much fluff...

I'm rating this a 6.5 on the Z-scale (just what the Z-scale is will come later)

Link -

Now go watch more anime!

- posted via 3G...

Monday, December 14, 2009

I did this post fromy iPhone...

Yes, as it will undoubtedly say after this post, I did this with my iPhone. Now I may actually post more than once a month or less here! Wish me luck...the following is a test image (and also my favorite gum from Japan)...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, November 30, 2009

Now that I have an iPhone...

I got an iPhone for Christmas (yes it is early!)

So, even though I would like this to be an image intensive blog, at least I can post more often when it suits me instead of doing hodge-podge when I can find the time...

Oh, and I updated my Top Ten Watching List >

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

That's right. That's right.